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Super Bowl? You Mean Super Envy Bowl

by Clare Reynolds | Feb 17, 2022

Anymore the “big game” isn’t just for sports lovers – it’s for people who love to gather with friends, watch a little bit of sports and key in during the commercial breaks! On the other side of the field, marketers have a major opportunity to get their brands seen in front of millions of viewers.. However, that requires millions of dollars! The Super Bowl always gets business owners and leaders pawning after the creative and ad budgets the big brands spend during the game. BUT, here are 3 creative ways to reach a smaller but SMART local crowd. 

Lead the Charge

While there are thousands of people in attendance of the game and millions of people watching the game at home, bars, or restaurants there is a larger place where the community tunes in to everything Super Bowl = Social Media.   Just like it’s important to join in on the conversation with your friends in person, it’s equally important to show your brand has interest in your online communities interests. Join in on the discussion days earlier than the actual event, get to know what everyone is saying and doing to celebrate, build hype around the game. Be quick to comment your thoughts during the game, go where your audience is and enjoy the game with them.   In doing this, you are building a relationship with your audience, the people who will love what your company has to offer and remember you when they need your product or service. And that’s a win in our book. 

Jump on the Media Bandwagon 

Video is all the rage in early 2022. Algorithms on social media platforms are boosting video to viewers and in turn those using video for their brands are gaining traction. In the old days, video was difficult. Pull out the clunky video recorder, make sure you’re not taping over any other videos, connect it and upload to the computer… But now high quality, 4K videos are literally at our fingertips. If you aren’t familiar or comfortable filming video – it’s worth your time to take an online class or find a few  influencers that you can learn a thing or two from.   Along with creating your own funny, creative and entertaining videos, sharing content from your followers about the special event is a MUST! This shows your followers that you are engaged and interested in what they are sharing, you are finding common interests. People talk about events like the Super Bowl, Winter Olympics, March Madness >> FOR DAYS! Jump in on the action with comments and posts about the special event that can relate back to your brand.  

Offer Promos related to game-day! 

What can we say, people love the Super Bowl and they LOVE a good deal – why not put the two together!   Try a creative way to get customers into your store – Ex. If you wear themed gear into the store today, you’ll get 10% off – You can turn this into a watch party or special event of your own if you have the means to! Or for a simple way to draw in new customers offer a discount for a specific service or product in honor and celebration of the big game.   With all of the content and promotions from competitors and businesses of the like, it will be difficult to organically promote your event, discount or business. Plan out a budget for special events such as the Super Bowl, Winter Olympics and March Madness, while you might not have 5 million to spend, consider investing $300 or even $30 to boost a post or create an ad set. Facebook Meta has a great and easy way for everyday users to promote their companies and products.  

To Conclude 

These 3 tips work great for the Super Bowl, but they can be molded to fit any special event that’s happening in your community or worldwide. Be involved, invest and stay up with the times in your online community > trust us, it will pay off in the end.




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