Certified Tulsa, Oklahoma Women-Owned Business: Myers Marketing Management

tulsa women-owned business

Hello, everyone! Did you know that Myers Marketing Management is recognized as a Certified Women-owned Business in Oklahoma? Well, now you do! We’re super excited about this, and we want to share our story with you.

Our leader, Danielle Myers, started this journey over 10 years ago. Her goal was to help businesses within all stages of their journey, improve their marketing strategies, and achieve big success. In 2022, she took on the challenge of applying for Women-owned Business certification in Oklahoma. In this article, we will take you through the process and share our experience. So, let’s get started!

Did you know that Oklahoma has a certification for women-owned businesses offered through the state? I discovered this several years ago and went through their application process, which is about two inches thick with documents. I decided to apply for this certification for a specific reason: I have two daughters, and I am one of four sisters. Interestingly, I’m the only entrepreneur in my family.

Becoming a women-owned business in the state of Oklahoma was a deliberate choice. I did it so that businesses like mine would be on the radar for other women who are contemplating opening their own businesses. I wanted them to know that there is support available and a path paved for them. They can reach out to these certified businesses for guidance and insight. There are also some perks that come with being a certified minority business in Oklahoma.

But, above all, my main motivation for pursuing this certification is to emphasize the importance of connection. It’s about what we can achieve together, supporting each other, and expanding our network. It’s crucial to know about other women-owned businesses in Oklahoma. This is my journey in becoming an Oklahoma women-owned business, and I hope that you’ll consider joining me if you’re also a woman-owned business.

Oklahoma Women-Owned Business Certification

The Program

Here in Oklahoma – we have the Oklahoma Department of Commerce. They specialize in bringing opportunities like employment, investment, and economic prosperity to Oklahomans. As stated on their website: “Through dynamic partnerships and innovative collaborations with companies, universities, not-for-profit organizations, and government leaders, we are building a business environment that supports business growth and shared community prosperity.” 

There are several benefits to applying for and receiving the Women-owned Business Certification such as expanded contracting opportunities, added advantage when competing for contracts with public and private entities, and entities who choose to do business with us are confident that their reporting of dollars spent with women-owned businesses will be verifiable and credible. This certification provides proof of ownership which is now being requested by both the private sector and public sector entities! 

Any woman-owned small business is eligible to apply for certification. The business must be at least 51% owned and controlled on a day-to-day basis by one or more women. 

As a business in Oklahoma, that is owned by a woman, we thought – “Hey, that applies to us!” and into the application process, we went! 

The Application Process

To apply for the certification here is how we navigated to the application.

  1. Visit the Oklahoma Commerce Website
  2. From the homepage of the website, hover over the “Doing Business” tab.
  3. Under “Doing Business”, hover over the “Business services” tab.
  4. Under the “Business Services” tab, select the “Women-owned business certifications”.
  5. Read through all of the requirements and information provided on the page. 
  6. Once you open the application you can see all of the guidelines – a rather long list – but necessary!

We would recommend setting at least 1 to 2 hours aside to complete this application.

After completion, you will have to snail mail your application to the Oklahoma Department of Commerce where they will review your application. Then within the next couple of weeks, if your application meets the criteria, they will approve and add you to their online Women-owned Businesses list!

Importance of Women-Owned Businesses

Women are changing the face of America’s economy. Our businesses are increasing in range, number, diversity, and earning power. (Can we get a BOOYAH?!) As a result, the Women-owned Business Certification program was established to facilitate contracting capabilities for women-owned businesses with public and private sector entities.

Not only is it important to stand up for women across Oklahoma and support their entrepreneurial efforts, but it gives you a sort of bragging right, which we aren’t afraid to whip out during a conversation, right ladies?! In a world divided in every which way, we have taken this opportunity given by the Oklahoma Department of Commerce to stand up and unite with other Women-owned Businesses to say we are here to stay, and here to bring forth the best marketing, strategy, partnerships, work-culture, honesty and more. You can trust that we are celebrating this HUGE WIN – celebrating wins is part of our culture you know ;).

If you are interested, we encourage you to take a moment to look over the rules of the application and apply yourself! We would be honored to have you and your business take place on this impressive list next to us. Check out the application to become a certified women-owned business here.

Partner with our women-owned digital marketing agency

We are a full-service Ad Agency with over 10 years of experience in Brand Development. We understand what it takes to create successful campaigns that deliver results. Let us put our expertise to work for you!

Read more about our Partner Program here

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